Heat wire probe with Bluetooth for testo 440
Including. Temperature and humidity sensor

order number: 99014188
plus Shipping-costs: after expenditure (see Standard business conditions)
open description
Digital Comfort probe
Measuring range:
- 0... 50 m/s
- -20... + 70 °c
- 5th... 95% RF
- ± (0.03 m/s + 4% v. MW.)
- (0... 20 m/s)
- ± (0.5 m/s + 5% v. MW.)
- (20.01... 30 m/s)
- ± 0.5 °c (0... + 70 °c)
- ± 0.8 °c (-20... 0 °c)
- ± 3.0% RF (10... 35% RF)
- ± 2.0% RF (35... 65% RF)
- ± 3.0% RF (65... 90% RF)
- ± 5% RH (residual. Measuring range)
- 0.01 m/s
- 0.1 °c
- 0.1% RF
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