0521 30443-0
Mon-Thu 7.30 - 18.00 Fri. 7.30 - 16.15
FUEL Akku-Impulsschrauber 1/4

Technische Daten: Akku Spannung/Kapazität 18 V/5.0 Ah Leerlaufdrehzahl 1./2./3./4. Stufe 0-900/0-2.100/0-3.000/0-3.000 min-1 Schlagzahl 1./2./3/4.. Stufe 0-1.800/0-2.900/0-3.700/0-3. min-1 Max. Drehmoment 40 Nm Max.

583,30 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99052981
article not in stock
FUEL Akku-Impulsschrauber 1/4

Technische Daten: Akku Spannung 18 V Leerlaufdrehzahl 1./2./3./4. Stufe 0-900/0-2.100/0-3.000/0-3.000 min-1 Schlagzahl 1./2./3/4.. Stufe 0-1.800/0-2.900/0-3.700/0-3. min-1 Max. Drehmoment 40 Nm Max.

312,55 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99052970
available in 14 business days
ONE KEY Akku-Schlagschrauber 1/2

Technische Daten: Akku Spannung/Kapazität 18 V/5.0 Ah Leerlaufdrehzahl 1./2./3./4. Stufe 0-950/0-1.500/0-1.800/0-1.800 min-1 Schlagzahl 1./2./3./4. Stufe 0-1.150/0-2.100/0-2.400/0-2. min-1 Max. Anziehmoment 1./2./3./4.

649,80 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99052962
Only a few left in stock
ONE KEY Akku-Schlagschrauber 1/2

Technischen Daten Akku Li-ion Geliefert in HD Box Leerlaufdrehzahl (min-1): 0-550/0-1400/0-1750/0-1750 Max. Drehmoment [Nm]: 130/400/1356/1356 Max. Lösemoment [Nm]: 1898 Max. Schraubendurchmesser: M33 Schlagzahl (min-1): 0-950/0-1750/0-2100/0-2100 (V) 18 Merkmale: Kraftvolle 1.356 Nm Drehmoment bei

374,30 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99052867
available in 5 business days
1/2 ˝ battery air Impact Wrench Milwaukee

Powerful 1,356 nm torque with compact design: only 213 mm long. Drive Control ™ allows you to quickly switch between 4 switching stages with different speed

649,80 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99013917
available in 5 business days
Cordless Impact Wrench ONE KEY Milwaukee
ONE IWF12/5.0 Ah + HD Box

The latest generation of FUEL devices with integrated Bluetooth technology Wireless communication and individual device settings on Android or iOS app summary

611,80 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99010536
available in 5 business days
FUEL Cordless Impact Wrench 1/2 inch Square (Sprengring)
M18 FIWF12/5.0 Ah + HD Box

Product Description: DRIVECONTROL ™ with 4 switching stages with 4th switching stage: Screwdriver automatically switches off in seconds after the screw connection has been fully established ½˝ square

760,00 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99010811
available in 2-3 business days