0521 30443-0
Mon-Thu 7.30 - 18.00 Fri. 7.30 - 16.15
Flue gas probe (180 mm)

General technical data Length probe shaft 180 mm Cable length 2.2 m Diameter 6 mm Temperature maximum 500 &de

229,50 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99018364
article not in stock
Flue gas probe 300 mm, diameter 8 mm

199,75 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99018362
article not in stock
CO probe Digital
wired for testo 440 testo 300

Description: Use the CO probe with the appropriate testo multifunction meter (please order separately) to detect carbon monoxide. Technical specifications: Measuring range: 0 to 500 ppm Accuracy: ± 3

313,65 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 06321272
available in 12 business days
Robust air sensor with NTC temperature sensor

Description: For Precise Temperature Measurements: Use the Robust Air Probe with Exposed Sensor (NTC) with the Appropriate Meter (please order separately) to measure ambient air temperature. Technical

68,85 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 06151712
Only a few left in stock
Basic exhaust probe compact
180 mm, Ø 6 mm

Description: The compact basic flue gas probe is equipped with a dirt filter that protects the meter and its sensors. Exhaust path and temperature channel can be

153,00 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 06009740
available in 6 business days

58,90 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99012046
available in 7 business days

114,66 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99009175
Only a few left in stock
MRU clearance probe
incl. Adapter

Universal - Dual wall clearance probe for O2 -. measurement with adapter for probe shaft Ø 8mm MRU Sepctra + Nova Plus

95,00 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99009736
Only a few left in stock
Sondenrohr MRU d=8mm, 300mm

84,00 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99009546
Only a few left in stock