Tube bender

For hand bending of soft copper tubing Angled Cone Optimum spring form prevents buckling in the bending radius Special steel Technical Data application material: Copper diameter D: 12.0 mm total length L

For hand bending of soft copper tubing Angled Cone Optimum spring form prevents buckling in the bending radius Special steel Technical Data application material: Copper diameter D: 8.0 mm diameter D in

Bending radius mm at the neutral axis of the sheet (DVGW GW 392). Cu: soft copper tubes, also thin-wall St-U: coated carbon steel pipes of

Robuster, kompakter Einhand-Rohrbieger für weiche Kupferrohre Ø 10 - 22 mm, weiche ummantelte Kupferrohre Ø 10 - 18 mm, ummantelte C-Stahlrohre der Pressfitting-Systeme Ø 12

For exact two handed bending up to 180° For copper, aluminum, brass and soft steel piping For 3 dimensions without exchange of bending segments Undersize and bend radius