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Mon-Thu 7.30 - 18.00 Fri. 7.30 - 16.15
Digital temperature meter-Set

testo 922, 2-channel temperature meter TE type K, connection of an optional radio probe, incl. battery and calibration protocol. The differential thermometer detects

442,10 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99009020
available in 2-3 business days
Differential temperature measuring instrument testo 922
in the Set with probe

The differential thermometer records temperature values ​​from 2 connected thermocouple probes and displays them simultaneously on the display. Wireless, that is, data transmission is

325,55 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99008764
available in 2-3 business days