Tube bender

Merkmale: Für Rohre: Ø 12, 10U, 1/2" Biegeradius: 36mm Geeignet für: CU CU-U St 10217 St 10305 Beschreibung: Cu: weiche Kupferrohre, auch dünnwandig St 10217: nichtrostende Stahlrohre der Pressfi tting-Systeme EN 10217-7 (DIN

For hand bending of soft copper tubing Angled Cone Optimum spring form prevents buckling in the bending radius Special steel Technical Data application material: Copper diameter D: 22.0 mm total length L

For hand bending of soft copper tubing Angled Cone Optimum spring form prevents buckling in the bending radius Special steel Technical Data application material: Copper diameter D: 16.0 mm total length L

For hand bending of soft copper tubing Angled Cone Optimum spring form prevents buckling in the bending radius Special steel Technical Data application material: Copper diameter D: 10.0 mm total length L

Bending radius mm at the neutral axis of the sheet (DVGW GW 392). Cu: soft copper tubes, also thin-wall St-U: coated carbon steel pipes of

Robuster, kompakter Einhand-Rohrbieger für weiche Kupferrohre 10-22 mm weiche ummantelte Kupferrohre 10-18 mm, ummantelte Stahlrohre des Pressfitting-Systems mapress C-Stahl 12-18 mm, weiche Präzisionsstahlrohre 10-18 mm, Wanddicke