
for monitoring-free charging of AGM, gel, START-STOP and lead-calcium starter batteries · 2 charging stages · protection of vehicle electronics · overload and reverse polarity

automatic battery charger for professional workshops · including trickle charging · 3 charging stages · microprocessor-controlled · for monitoring-free charging of maintenance-free AGM, gel, START-STOP

Inhalt: 2 x 12 V / 2.0 Ah Red Li-Ion Akku Ladegerät C12 C

Charges Milwaukee batteries on the go, perfect for tradesmen and other professional that can use the down time to re-charge their batteries using conventional 12V

Merkmale: 2 x 18 V / 5.0 Ah Red Li-Ion Akku Schnellladegerät M12-18 FC

Inhalt: 2 x 18 V / 2.0 Ah Red Li-Ion Akku Ladegerät M12-18 C

Inhalt: 2 x 12 V / 6.0 Ah Red Li-Ion Akku Ladegerät C12 C

Inhalt: 1 x 12 V / 2.0 Ah Red Li-Ion Akku Ladegerät C12 C