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Mon-Thu 7.30 - 18.00 Fri. 7.30 - 16.15

761,50 €
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article number: 99035382
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Building site tool box W1800xH900 / 800xD800mm

not assembled · spruce · impregnated · with galvanised fittings · lid support · with hinged handles · lid made of galvanised sheet metal and

635,04 €
plus VAT
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article number: 99035188
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Mobile tool cabinet H1600xB1000xT650mm light grey, RAL 7035 BOTT

unequipped · mobile storage for tools and small parts - equip your mobile tool cabinet to suit your needs · can be fitted with max.

590,24 €
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article number: 99034873
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Tool trolley B.725xT.398xH.1102mm collapsible bench top beech lockable, no tool

made of sheet steel · stove-enamelled · tabletop with interchangeable beech top · large solid rubber tyres with double ball bearings · both swivel castors

954,73 €
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article number: 99034214
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Tool trolley WSL-L-TS-308 B.785xT.510xH.1045mm 308-pc. tool assortment 7 drawers

308-piece assortment for industrial, trade and automotive usetools in metric dimensionsGEDORE Check-Tool system: completeness check with 2-colour foam insertsin tool trolley WSL-L7 made from powder-coated

3.866,63 €
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article number: 99033267
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158,03 €
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article number: 99061892
available in 20 business days
Milwaukee Trolley case PACKOUT™
W560xD480xH410 mm, for DynaCases

EIGENSCHAFTEN Part of the PACKOUT™ modular storage system. Shock-resistant polymer construction - ideal for use on construction sites. Payload 113 kg Industrial-grade pull handle with pull-out telescopic shaft. Robust, 228

200,80 €
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article number: 99053067
available in 6 business days
Stacker height 1150 mm shovel L250xW320mm pneum. tyre load capacity 200 kg pigeo

pneumatic tyres · sturdy, welded steel tubing construction · sheet steel shovel · wheel protection and safety handle · powder-coated, pigeon blue, RAL 5014 ·

116,55 €
plus VAT
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article number: 99035318
available in 3 business days
Milwaukee Packout promoset trolley case
for DynaCases

TECHNICAL FEATURES Part of the PACKOUT™ modular storage system. Case construction made of shock-resistant polymers. Protection class IP65. Case corners with metal braces. Metal fasteners. Integration option for ONE KEY™ Tick™. Trolley

334,70 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99052050
available in 52 business days