Flaring tool

45 ° Bördel- und Aufweitgerät für Zollrohre. Hergestellt aus geschmiedetem Stahl, passend für nachfolgende Rohrdurchmesser: 1/8", 3/16", 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 7/16", 1/2", 5/8", 3/4" Das Bördelwerkzeug wird in einem

inset for pipe expander of the “pear type” for 18 mmcopper pipes

inset for pipe expander of the “pear type” for 16 mmcopper pipes

inset for pipe expander of the “pear type” for 15 mmcopper pipes

inset for pipe expander of the “pear type” for 12 mmcopper pipes

inset for pipe expander of the “pear type” for 10 mmcopper pipes

for fast and safe production of standard 45° single flares to EN 14276-2 and JIS B8607:2008 on copper pipes Ø 6 - 18 mm ·

for manufacturing precision easy flanges 45 degrees onto copper pipes

inset for pipe expander of the “pear type” for 22mm copper pipes