0521 30443-0
Mon-Thu 7.30 - 18.00 Fri. 7.30 - 16.15
Pipe-contact sensor 5 - 65mm
TE Typ K

Pipe wrap probe for pipe diameter 5 ... 65 mm, with exchangeable measuring head area. up to +280 ° C, TC Type K Measuring range

129,20 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99014003
available in 3 business days
Surface sensor
TE Typ K

Waterproof surface probe with widened measurement tip for flat surfaces Features Thermocouple TE Typ K Measurement range: -60 ... +400 °C response time: 30 sec length sensor tube: 115

59,50 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99014002
available in 3 business days
Robust air probe
TE Typ K

Robust air probe sensor type TE Typ K Meas. Range -60 ... +400 °C

59,50 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99014001
available in 3 business days
Waterproof immersion/penetration probe
TE Typ K

Waterproof immersion/penetration probe sensor type TE Typ K Meas. Range -60 ... +400 °C

42,50 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99014000
available in 3 business days
Fast-action surface probe with sprung thermocouple strip, TC Type K
TE Typ K

Fast-action surface probe with sprung thermocouple strip, also for uneven surfacest. Type of sensor TE Typ K Meas. Rangeh . to +500°C Meas. Range -60 ... +300 °C

119,00 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99013999
available in 3 business days
Testo Zangenfühler 15-25mm
TE Typ K

Zangenfühler für Messungen an Rohren mit einem Durchmesser 15...25 mm (max. 1"). Für die schnelle Messung der Vor- und Rücklauftemperatur. TE Typ K Messbereich kurzz. bis

65,45 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99013989
available in 3 business days
Testo surface probe waterproof
TE Typ K

Efficient, waterproof surface probe with small measurement head for flat surfaces, TC Type K Measuring range -60 ... +1000 ° C

107,95 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99013988
available in 3 business days
Temperaturfühler für Wandoberflächen
TE Typ K für Testo 635-2

Temperaturfühler zur U-Wert-Bestimmung, Dreifach-Sensorik zur Ermittlung der Wandtemperatur, inkl. Knetmasse Messbereich: -20 ... +70 °C Genausigkeit: Klasse 1, U-Wert: +/- 0,1 +/- 0,2 % v.

204,00 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 06141635
available in 3 business days
testo 915i - Thermometer mit Luftfühler (TE Typ-K) und Smartphone-Bedienung

Produktbeschreibung Temperatur kabellos messen: Das Thermometer testo 915i mit Smartphone-Bedienung und Bluetooth gehört zum beliebten Portfolio der Testo Smart Probes. Das Thermometer liefert schnelle, zuverlässige Messergebnisse

83,30 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99060035
available in 4 business days