Flow meters

Make sure you get the volume flow measuring hood testo 420 for larger ceiling outlets and benefit several times in the maintenance of HVAC

testo 410-1 misst Luftgeschwindigkeit und -temperatur. Durch die integrierende Messung mit dem 40 mm-Flügelrad ist es ideal geeignet für schnelle Spotmessungen am Luftauslass. Eine zeitliche

With the hot wire anemometer testo 405 i measure air velocities, temperatures and flow rates. Via Bluetooth, the readings radioed directly to the testo

testo 417 Set-2 consisting of the testo 417 vane anemometer, the testovent 417 funnel set and the volume flow rectifier testovent 417. Testo

Eigenschaften Simple, fast and precise flow and temperature measurement and volume flow calculation in the ventilation duct. More flexibility for duct measurements with the cable-connected telescopic probe

Features Simple, fast and precise measurement of flow, volume flow and temperature at air inlets and outlets. Efficient regulation of controlled residential ventilation and fast documentation with