0521 30443-0
Mon-Thu 7.30 - 18.00 Fri. 7.30 - 16.15
Vakuummessgerät testo 552 mit wartungsfreiem Sensor

testo 552 ist ein digitales Vakuum-Messgerät zur Evakuierung von Kälteanlagen und Wärmepumpen. Es misst auch kleinste Absolutdrücke und liefert hochpräzise Informationen über den Status der

175,95 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99013979
article not in stock
THL Vacuum pump

1 Stufige Hocheffiziente 42,5l/min Leistung Pumpe Durch Gasballastventil niedriger Ölverschmutzung Rückschlagventil, integriert im Pumpenanschluß, verhindert Ölauslauf Technische Daten: Abmessungen: 295 x 115 x 215 mm Gewicht: 5,4 kg Leistung: 42,5

149,58 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99007170
available in 5 business days
Digital refrigerant scale 560i
with Bluetooth

Featuers Wireless measurement of refrigerant weight and operation with Testo manifolds and testo Smart App via Bluetooth Automatic and precise refrigerant charging according to target superheat, subcooling

221,85 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99012488
available in 50 business days
Refrigerant Recovery Machine PRO-Set cps TRS21E
2 Cylinder Commercial

Designed and tested to meet ANSI 12:12.01 Ignition Proof standards For use on refrigerant systems utilizing Class A1, R-32, R-1234yf and R-1234ze Maintenance free oil-less compressor Permanently lubricated

909,00 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99056204
article in stock

679,73 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99061458
available in 2-3 business days

171,55 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99061764
article in stock

154,80 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99061763
article in stock

2.154,90 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99061716
available in 2-3 business days

2.195,34 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99061470
available in 2-3 business days