0521 30443-0
Mon-Thu 7.30 - 18.00 Fri. 7.30 - 16.15
Twist drill/tool set 16-piece with standard spirals 16 - 22 mm ROTHENBERGER

comprises: twist drill cage 16 mm · 5 x 16 mm standard twist drill · straight drill bits 16 mm · club drill bits 16

578,14 €
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Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99046710
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124,61 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99045568
article not in stock
Tool set contents 6-piece chrome vanadium air-hard. steel, painted plastic holde

chrome vanadium air-hardened steel · varnished surface · hardened · heat-treated impact head · Further technical information Surface: painted · Packaging: plastic holder · Material:

15,69 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99045536
article not in stock

164,01 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99045522
article not in stock
Pliers/tool set 7-piece 2-component grips plastic case VDE

VDE-insulated, up to 1000 V · equipped with high-quality tools Contents:1 pc. side cutter 160 mm, VDE-insulated, handles with ergonomic 2-component grips with slipguard (article

63,75 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99030686
available in 18 business days
Workshop accessories set LD45 B.370xT.385xH.30mm 2/3 tool module 12-pc. universa

(2/3 module) · Further technical information Width: 370mm · Depth: 385mm · Height: 30mm

86,12 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99045332
available in 3 business days

323,05 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99030169
Only a few left in stock
Tool assortment 60pc. universal incl. voltage tester trade/industrial quality in

in a steel boxequipped with trade/industrial quality tools · Comprising:1 steel tool box 530 mm / 5-piece1 screwdriver for slotted-head screws 5.5 x 125 mm1

201,35 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99046127
Only a few left in stock

Der Werkzeugsatz im hohem Werkzeugkoffer bestückt mit Werkzeugen für den Start in Ihr Berufsleben. bestehend aus: 99001670 DynaCase Werkzeugkoffer hoch im THL Design 99060275 Schlosserhammer 300 g 99060370

454,12 €
plus VAT
Price for amount of 1.
article number: 99056590
available in 2-3 business days