
for invisible connections · transparent and non-drip

for invisible connections · transparent and non-drip

universal, very powerful hot-melt adhesive · for sticking different materials

universal, very powerful hot-melt adhesive · for sticking different materials

single-component, application-ready, strongly-adhering assembly adhesive on acrylate dispersion base · adheres as though bolted - immediately, without noise, dust and holes · particularly suitable for

medium-solidity, high-viscosity · 1-component anaerobic liquid plastic, hardens on contact with metals when air is excluded · replaces conventional methods of fastening such as split

medium-solidity, high-viscosity · 1-component anaerobic liquid plastic, hardens on contact with metals when air is excluded · replaces conventional methods of fastening such as split

low-solidity, low-viscosity · 1-component anaerobic liquid plastic · hardens on contact with metals when air is excluded · replaces conventional methods of fastening such as